A Borescope Can Help Keep Your Airplane Working

Posted on: 18 August 2017

When you have an airplane, you want to make sure that it is always in the best working shape possible. After all, it's not like you can pull over to the side of the road to check out the flashing board on your dash. That means that you are going to need to have some special tools that will help you work on your car. One of the things you are going to need is a borescope. 


A borescope is a long, flexible cable that is made out with fiber optics. On one end is a camera and a light. The other end connects to a monitor and has a control device. The control device will let a person "steer" the borescope so that they can make it go through various areas and around turns. It can also generally control the camera so that it can zoom in and out of particular areas. That way the person operating the borescope can get a good look at whatever the problem happens to be. There are a lot of benefits to using a borescope on your airplane. 

Tight Spaces

One reason is that there are a lot of tight spaces on your airplane. Those places would be hard for you to get to, let alone look in. But, if you can get a small opening into those areas, then you can feed your borescope into that area and take a look. You can get a long borescope so that you don't even have to be really close to that particular area, you just have to find a pathway from where you put the borescope in to the area where you want to look. 

Less Disassembly

There are a lot of places on your airplane where the only way you can get in to look at them is to disassemble quite a bit of your plane. That will take a lot of time and work for you to do and a lot of time and work to make sure that you put everything back in just right. However, your borescope can save you that time. You can examine that area using the camera and monitor, and then make the decision as to whether or not you need to take something apart or whether it's just fine for right now. 

Making sure that you have a functioning airplane is important. A borescope can help you with that.  
