Knowing When To Invest In A New Hot Tar Hose

Posted on: 11 August 2017

When it comes to applying asphalt or other heated materials, utilizing a spray wand can be beneficial. These wands help to reduce installation times and ensure even coverage. Hot tar hoses connect to the spray wand to transport the asphalt mixture from a heated holding tank to the wand for application.

The quality of the hot tar hose you use in coordination with your spray wand can significantly impact the overall quality and convenience of your asphalt applications. Here are two tips that you use to help you identify when it's time to invest in a new hot tar hose to meet your asphalt-application needs in the future.

1. Inspect the exterior of the hose.

One of the easiest ways to determine whether or not your hot tar hose is malfunctioning is to check the hose's exterior for signs of damage. Hot tar hoses are constructed using a high quality perforated neoprene product that is designed to withstand exposure to extreme temperatures.

Although this perforated neoprene is extremely durable, it can break down over time. If you see any evidence of cracking along the exterior surface of your hot tar hose, these cracks could be letting air into the hose.

These air leaks can compromise the texture and consistency of your asphalt product during delivery, so a cracked hose should be replaced quickly to avoid serious application problems in the future.

2. Monitor application rate.

Another important factor that should be taken into consideration when trying to determine if you should replace your hot tar hose is your overall application rate when completing an asphalt project. Any structural damage to the hot tar hose allows air into the asphalt mixture during transport, compromising the consistency of this mixture.

Asphalt mixtures that are exposed to air during transport will begin to cure while still inside the hot tar hose, resulting in a reduction in the rate of application. If you notice that it is taking longer than usual to apply asphalt within a given area, a damaged hot tar hose may be to blame.

Even if there are no visible signs of damage, tiny cracks on the surface of the hot tar hose could compromise your asphalt applications. Replace the hose when application rates drop to ensure consistent application over time.

Being able to determine when it's time to replace your hot tar hose will ensure that you are able to complete future asphalt projects easily and correctly.
